Review for the Grieg Piano Concerto…

“the composer’s famed piano concerto, performed with a relish and flourish by the entrancing Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Martinez. There’s no editing or refocusing this time, just a long, intricate piece being exquisitely played.

A camera and projection screen are positioned above the grand piano so the audience can be given a bird’s eye view of Martinez’s hands as she performs. It’s hard to take your eyes from the screen, but there’s plenty about Martinez’s performance that catches your eye without that technological assist. On Friday night she wore a black mask, a black shawl and a shiny glittering striped dress that could have doubled for Christmas wrapping paper. She’s not a flashy player. She doesn’t attack the keys or wave her long blonde hair about. (On Friday it was in a pony tail.) But Martinez has a glorious way of stretching her arms out when she’s just tackled a particularly intense section. Watching her play is like watching a cool, confident long-distance runner.

Martinez’s graceful yet firm playing evokes not just high classical skills but centuries of popular music involving the piano. For the freer moments, her fingers move like a jazz player. In her style, you can hear how Grieg influenced French composers like Debussy, who in turn influenced George Gershwin”

Full review of the concert can be read HERE
